Floorwork: Beginner Shibari Class (Step 2)

Date & Time: Every Tuesday, 8:15pm - 10:15pm

Teacher: Gestalta

Level: Beginner through to Intermediate

Language: This class is taught in English.

Location: Neukölln, Berlin

You’ve learnt the basics of shibari—now what’s next?

This class takes a deep dive into all things floorwork, from harnesses and shapes, to movement and one rope play. The aim is to help you develop solid technical skills, but also to discover ways to have fun and express yourself through rope.

Students collectively decides on the topics they want to explore—sometimes that might be a pattern for a harness, a body position, a movement or connection exercise. Sometimes we explore how to build a scene, or transition through different shapes on the floor. Usually, we keep to the theme of a particular topic for a few weeks.

You are free to come alone or partnered. If you come alone, you are encouraged to partner up with another solo participant if you feel comfortable to do so.